Youth Program Information

Youth Program Information

A youth program is a program or activity designed for non-Georgia Tech student minors organized and run by Georgia Tech, or organized and run by third-party entities utilizing Georgia Tech facilities.  Some examples of youth programs include, but are not limited to: day and overnight camps; tutoring/mentoring in local schools; Internships or shadowing experiences for a minor in labs/research facilities.

* The program name must match space reservation requests, and facilities use agreement if applicable.
*The name of the organizing entity must match on the registration form, facilities use agreement and certificate of insurance. 
Please upload your Certificate of Insurance. Click here to see the COI requirements found in the Facilities Use Agreement.
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500 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Do not include the http(s):// protocol.

What is the name and email address of the GT employee handling the reservation/space booking? 

*The description should serve as a brief summary of the purpose of the program, and include the number of times the program occurs (Ex: Program occurs once a week for 8 weeks over the summer, or, program occurs once in the fall and once in the spring).
*The schedule must include all dates, requested locations, and include all projected activities and program times. All time during the program must be accounted for within the submitted schedule. EX: If the program occurs overnight, “lights out” and when participants are expected at breakfast must be included. The schedule must also note if any participants will interact with any of the following: 3D printing, animal dissections, chemical and/or biological agents,  soldering or other heating elements, and/or utilization of a laser.  Georgia Tech Environmental Health and Safety approval or exemption may be required prior to Youth Programs approval. If the same program occurs multiple times you can indicate this on the schedule. 
One file only.
4 MB limit.
Allowed types: txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, odt, ppt, pptx, odp, xls, xlsx, ods.
Is the program free of charge for participants?

Youth Programs are required to submit registration forms at least 30 days in advance of the program start date. If there are extenuating circumstances, and you are submitting for a program within 30 days, email and cc’ the facility manager in the communication outlining the reason for the extenuating circumstance and late submission.

Note: Programs are not allowed to start until written Youth Programs Compliance Approval is issued.
Will the Program include an overnight stay?
Will the Program utilize Georgia Tech laboratories?
*Environmental Health and Safety approval or exemption may be required for activities in Georgia Tech laboratories.  
Will the Program provide transportation to minors at any time?

Youth Program Location (please include name of location and address)

Street Address, City, State
Street Address, City, State

Participant Supervision Information

The Georgia Tech Youth Programs Policy requires Appropriate staffing and supervision ratios by age range in accordance with American Camp Association standards. Generally, one-on-one interactions with minors are prohibited. If one‐on‐one interaction is required, it will take place in open, well illuminated spaces or rooms with windows observable by other authorized adult or program staff, unless the one‐on‐one interaction is expressly authorized by the program administrator or is being undertaken by a health care provider.


*Ages or grade levels are acceptable for this field.
*Ages or grade levels are acceptable for this field.
Who will chaperone the minor participants?

Program Contact Information

If the youth program is being organized by a third-party a representative of that entity must be listed as the primary and on-site contacts. 


Youth Program Requirements Reminder
All youth programs must consider and meet the following criteria in the planning of the program.

By checking off each box you attest that requirements will be completed prior to the start of the program. GT employees operating non-compliant youth programs may be subject to disciplinary action.

If you have questions please contact our office for further guidance.

Requirement one
Requirement two
Requirement three
Requirement four
Requirement five
Requirement six
Requirement seven
Accept Policy Terms
Policy Terms

Check here to indicate that you have read and agreed
You may also read and print the policy from the Georgia Tech policy library here: Youth Programs at Georgia Tech Policy
This field should be completed if the youth programs registration form was completed and submitted on behalf of another person.