Reporting Child Abuse and Neglect

Georgia Tech is firmly committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of minors and prompt reporting of suspected abuse or neglect of a minor. Under Georgia state law, certain Georgia Tech employees and volunteers through their employment or service to Georgia Tech are considered mandatory reporters.

1. Report to GTPD

Immediately report the matter to the Georgia Tech Police Department (GTPD) at 404.894.2500.

2. Report to Supervisor

Immediately following a report to GTPD, report to the Supervisor, Program Director, or Georgia Tech official who can take immediate action.

3. Youth Programs Compliance

 In instances where the report is occurring for a participant of a Youth Program, report the concern to the Office of Youth Programs Compliance.

Reporting other serious concerns, incidents, or violations of policy

Other serious concerns, incidents and violations of policy relating to minors that may not seem to rise to the level of known or suspected abuse must also be reported to the Office of Youth Programs Compliance as soon as possible and within no more than 24 hours of learning about the original concern. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Serious injuries, accidents, etc. involving minors
  • Medical or mental health emergencies (subject to any medical confidentiality requirements)
  • Near misses (e.g., a situation that could have resulted in a serious accident or injury)
  • Inappropriate behavior, including grooming behavior or boundary violations
  • Misconduct between minors
  • Inadequate supervision
  • Violations of the Youth Programs Policy, or Youth Programs Code of Conduct